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An inconvenience called acute blockage, solution and prevention...

August 9, 2023 by admin0

...or how PHYSICAL THERAPY HELPS to manage stress and bad movement habits

All of us have sometimes encountered an inconvenience called acute blockage. It can severely restrict our mobility and cause us unpleasant pain. Whether it's a sedentary lifestyle, stress or bad habits, acute blockage can take us by surprise and disrupt our daily routine. Fortunately, there is an effective solution in the form of physiotherapy to help us not only manage this inconvenience, but also prevent it from happening again.

 Acute blockage is a condition in which there is a loss of mobility of a joint or body part. This condition can occur due to various factors such as:

  1. Bad habits such as lack of exercise, poor ergonomics at work or repetitive movements without sufficient stretching.
  2. A sedentary lifestyle associated with working at a computer or sitting for long periods can lead to weakened muscles and poor posture, which also increases the risk of blockages.
  3. Stress, much talked about, but few know that it is often behind acute blockages - tension in the body caused by stress can lead to unwanted muscle contractions and restriction of movement.

In summary, our modern lifestyle can easily cause us to overload certain muscle groups and impair blood flow to joints and tissues.


Physiotherapy has proven to be an effective way to manage and prevent acute blockages. Our physiotherapists are educated professionals who work with patients to restore mobility and strengthen muscles. During physiotherapy, we use the most up-to-date knowledge and employ various techniques such as manual or device therapy, muscle strengthening exercises, stretching and massage to help release tension and restore proper body function.

Removing the acute pain, however, does not mean solving the long-term problem that caused the blockage. Prevention is always better than cure, which is why it's important to pay attention to your habits and lifestyle. Regular physical activity, stress reduction, regular stretching and muscle strengthening exercises can significantly reduce the risk of developing acute blockages. Proper ergonomics at work and in everyday life also play a key role. Your physiotherapist can help you with all this.

Acute blockage can be a real nuisance that disrupts our daily lives. Physiotherapy is becoming a key solution for those struggling with this problem and also for those who want to prevent its recurrence. Remember that prevention is key and that investing in your health can pay off many times over.



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